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Intel Visual Fortran Compiler Pro 10.0.027



Пакет Intel Visual Fortran Compiler for Windows стал полноправным преемником известного в мире программирования
 на языке Фортран пакета Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF). Технологии оптимизации компании Intel в сочетании с
 наработками пакета CVF дали великолепный результат, которым теперь могут воспользоваться разработчики
 приложений для самых разных областей науки и техники. 

Версия стала вторым компилятором для языка Фортран, который снабжен полноценной поддержкой технологии 64-битной адресации памяти Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology (Intel EM64T) и технологии многопоточной обработки OpenMP 2.0, а кроме того способен автоматически распараллеливать процессы. Компилятор Intel позволяет достичь уменьшить объем и производительность исполняемого кода приложений на 32- и 64-разрядных платформах Intel, включая системы на базе новейших процессоров Pentium M (компонент аппаратной платформы Intel Centrino),
 Pentium 4 с технологией Hyper-Threading, Xeon, Itanium и Itanium 2

Скачать можно  тут - >  http://fortran.ucoz.ru/load/10-1-0-33


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锘縃ow can we increase facebook like on our fan page in quick way

Formerly, our company always outsourced all orders to suppliers who provide FB fans. But we got tired of such methods like Twiends, Fiverr and clickjacking scripts and developed our own service for getting FB fans.

It's a kind of a voting system - a website where people can vote for something or somebody. In vote buttons we integrate 'Like' button and connect fan pages to them, those fan pages we need fans for. Then we create advertising campaign on Facebook - ads with text and banner that redirect people to our voting pages. The main point here that using FB ads we can get real worldwide fans as well as super targeted visitors (we can target by country, age, gender, interests, education, career, etc.).

Actually we are still testing this service but it has already showed perfect results. If you want to take part, I can accept some orders and will charge only for advertising on Facebook (not more than $20-$30 per 1000 global fans).

Best Regards,


Yes, Twiend dot com not working.

Is there any business called 'FaceBook Like Exchange' similar to 'Traffic Exchange'. It is little funny to hear.

As far as FB 'likes' are concerned, that must be got naturally and also as (Method) said, it is little trickier too.

You have to first target those who are actually need your service, and before that make sure have some likes already on your fan page by advertising it with your friends circle. That is what i will do to increase number of likes in fan page.


HostRef wrote:Yes, Twiend dot com not working.

Is there any business called 'FaceBook Like Exchange' similar to 'Traffic Exchange'. It is little funny to hear.

As far as FB 'likes' are concerned, that must be got naturally and also as (Method) said, it is little trickier too.

You have to first target those who are actually need your service, and before that make sure have some likes already on your fan page by advertising it with your friends circle. It worked for me.

I joined "eMarketing Association Network" on linkedin then I participated in

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